At Miami Private Hospital, we’re committed to delivering outstanding healthcare
services and are fully accredited against the rigorous Standards for Safety and
Quality in Healthcare.

Safety & Quality

We collaborate with several external organisations to analyse our patient care outcomes and ensure we continue to provide top-tier medical care.

Miami Private Hospital is fully accredited against the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards, which were established by the Australian Government to promote best practices and ensure high-quality healthcare for all. We take this responsibility seriously and strive to exceed these standards in all aspects of patient care.

Our top priority at Miami Private Hospital is ensuring patients have a positive experience while receiving medical care. To evaluate how well we meet patient needs, we offer a patient satisfaction survey that patients can complete voluntarily and anonymously. We use the feedback to identify areas for improvement and make sure we’re providing the best possible care. Recent survey results have shown very high levels of overall satisfaction.

Please click here to submit feedback.

At Miami Private Hospital, we take infection control extremely seriously and implement strict procedures to prevent infections. Our specialised infection control officer collects and analyses data on infections to identify best practices for reducing infection rates. This helps us ensure that we’re providing the safest possible environment for our patients.

As per Australian hand hygiene guidelines, all organizations should aspire to a result in their hand hygiene audit of > 80%. At MPH we currently sit at >90%.

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Our expert team are supportive, experienced and offer quality care before, during and after your procedure. If you have a question please use the form below.
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